Social Governance

Social Governance Commitment

Tosoh Quartz, Inc. is committed to our internal written operating philosophies, values and standards of conduct. These standards uphold the human rights of all workers such as to freely choose employment, no child labor, limits to the number work hours allowed, proper wage and benefit practices, humane treatment, non-discrimination and freedom of association and treating others with dignity and respect. These standards, philosophies and values align with the RBA Code of Conduct. http://www.responsiblebusiness.org/media/docs/RBACodeofConduct6.0_English.pdf

Tosoh Quartz Inc. has not identified any significant risk with compliance to the RBA.

Human Rights

Tosoh Quartz Inc Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy Acknowledgement

Each year Tosoh Quartz, Inc. conducts an employee survey that gives employees an opportunity to provide ratings and feedback. Employees may answer questions anonymously and all feedback is reviewed. The major categories of the survey include their work (includes safety), company communication, employment (includes compensation & benefits) and mission (includes ethics). This survey measures how the company is performing against the operating philosophies, values and standards of conduct. The response is a rating of 1 to 5 with 5 being a positive response. The company goal is to maintain an overall rating above 3 and to review comments and concerns brought out in the survey.

Labor Metric

Tosoh Quartz, Inc. is committed to protect the health and safety of our employees and community. We comply with all applicable regulatory Environment, Health & Safety requirements. We review our program and work to continuously improve our performance with a goal to remain under the industry average rate.

  • An experience modifier (EMR) is a multiplier applied to the premium of an insurance policy.
  • The EMR provides an incentive for a sound safety program, a return-to-work program and other loss prevention activities.
  • EMRs are based on claims costs for the prior three-year period.
  • EMRs are calculated by the NCCI, based in Florida.

Environment, Health and Safety

Tosoh Quartz is committed to protect the health and safety of our employees and community. We will comply with all applicable regulatory EHS requirements and embrace continuous improvement. We will strive to have an incident and injury free workplace, conserve natural resources and reduce waste.

Environmental Management in The Worldwide Quartz Network

Tosoh Corporation, based in Japan, includes 140 companies. We are proud to represent Tosoh Corporation in Portland, Oregon, and model the best of both local and international environmental standards. Environmental programs and performance at Tosoh Corporation can be found at: http://www.tosoh.com/Sustainability/Environment/.

Environmental Management System

The Tosoh Quartz environmental management system (EMS) is an active process and an integral part of our operations. Modeled after the ISO 14001 standard, our EMS drives continuous improvement through four key strategies:

  • Environmental performance metrics
  • Preventative and corrective action
  • Internal audit
  • Management review


Tosoh Quartz complies with all local and national environmental regulations, and operates with a relatively small environmental “footprint.”

  • We are not a significant source of carbon dioxide (CO2) or ozone-depleting compounds (ODC) due to glass blowing with clean-burning hydrogen and oxygen. 
  • We are not a significant source of volatile organic compounds (VOC).
  • We are below thresholds for United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) reporting
  • We are below thresholds for an Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) air contaminant discharge permit.
  • We are an Oregon DEQ conditionally exempt hazardous waste generator (i.e., less than 100 pounds generated in 2010).
  • We operate a clean facility with a no-exposure certification for industrial storm water.

Environmental performance goes beyond regulatory compliance, however, and Tosoh Quartz has achieved results in areas such as energy conservation and resource reduction:

Tosoh Quartz, Inc. continues to participate in CO2 offsets Portland General Electric’s wind energy. 

  • In 2015 we purchased 422,467 kWh which resulted in 566,248 pounds of CO2 that we avoided emitting into the air.
  • In 2016 we purchased 416,664 kWh in wind energy which resulted in 657,942 pounds of CO2 that was avoided being emitted into the environment.
  • In 2017 we purchased 416,664 kWh in wind energy which resulted in 657,942 pounds of CO2 that was avoided being emitted into the environment.
  • In 2018 we purchased 416,664 kWh in wind energy which resulted in 657,942 pounds of COthat was avoided being emitted into the environment.
  • In 2019 we purchased 416,664 kWh in wind energy which resulted in 657,942 pounds of COthat was avoided being emitted into the environment.


Environmental goals for Tosoh Quartz include:

  • Facility Electricity: Reduce electricity consumption per unit by 3% per year.
  • Fresh Water: Reduce water consumption per unit by 2% per year.

Tosoh Quartz remains committed to continuous improvement, and we will continue to move forward with our environmental management system, partnering with customers, peers, and suppliers, and proudly representing Tosoh Corporation in the local and international community.
